Provides the require amino acids and help to build good muscle structure and strength.
Supplies all essentail fatty acids and yied of high energy level to get more body weights.
Supplies all require vitamins minerals etc and solves nutrient deficiency symptomes.
Promotes optimum health and immunity
Reduces stress from all levels and become more active.
Increases fast growth rate and survivals, Less chances of susceptible diseases by pathogenic organisms.Quick healing from external infections, injuries and wounds.Regulate the moulting phase and relief from bad moult problems.Increases body weight and more production.Reduces crop period by 10-15% and production cost.
Acts as agent for fast growth and more weight.
Better appetite and lower FCR.
grouth Promoter
Dosage: Vennamel Culture: 10 ml/kg of pellet continuously 2-3 days in week. Mododon Culture: 5 ml/kg of pellet/continuously 2-3 days in week.