Benefits :
1. Eliminates Ammonia from the pond bottom as well as in the pond water.
2. Relieves from the stress of aquatic animals caused due to toxic gases.
3. Prevents the production of toxic gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen sulphide etc,.
4. Reduces the pathogenic microbial load by competing for same food source by the probiotic
present in Aqua Fresh.
5. Improves feed intake and so helps for fast growth and better body weight.
6. Reduces the sludge volume in the pond bottom by effective bio-degradation.
7. Helps for more freshness of pond and aquatic animals there by animals feels nil stress.
Dosage:1 mtr. water depth : 500 gm/ hectare once in 15 days in Feed : 1 kg/metric ton of feed (or) as
advised by an aqua consultant.
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